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The Future of Work

Driven by automation and disruptive technologies, the world of work is changing radically - and this is causing considerable anxiety, and for good reason. One billion young people across the world will be entering the job market in the coming decade but there is a large question mark on whether young people today have the skills to truly prosper in the 21st century job market.

A version of this article appeared in Ipoh Echo (Edition 281 - 16 May 2018) - the online article can be accessed here.

Future is bright


This is the question that strikes dread into every teenager’s heart. Now take some magical anti-aging potion and imagine yourself as one of today’s teenagers. When you start work in 2025 what type of jobs will there actually be? What skills will you need? How will you differentiate yourself from all the other smart young people?

Will Robots Take Our Jobs?

"47% of jobs today are at risk of automation in the next 10-20 years" (source: The Future of Employment)

The reality is that the future work of work is extremely competitive and becoming more so. This is driven by artificial intelligence and automation, globalisation, and the increasingly large number of degree holders competing for the pool of skilled jobs. Organisations are automating many aspects of entry-level jobs – hence, new recruits are expected to be more skilled, to take on more responsibility and to add value from day 1.

“Automation is happening today even in highly-skilled areas like medicine, law and finance.”

So, what jobs will there be when my child completes his/her education – and which jobs (that will be automated) should my child avoid?

"94% chance of automation" Paralegals, accountants and auditors & "0.4% chance of automation" Physicians & surgeons (source: The Future of Employment)

What Can We Do?

How can we prepare our children for a future – when we don’t know what it will look like? There are things you can start doing today.

Guide your children to:

  1. Build the skills that really matter (such as leadership, teamwork, communication, creative and structured problem-solving etc.);

  2. Understand themselves – their definition of “success”, their values, temperament, strengths and USP (unique selling point);

  3. Understand the importance of mental health and physical fitness; and

  4. Put together an action plan with short-, medium- and long-term goals to help them make the most of their education

Start now – it’s never too young to start preparation for life.

Imagine how proud you will feel when your child reaches adulthood full of happiness, optimism and the confidence of having all the right skills and experiences to help them succeed in their life.

Book Your Child's Place on Our Course – Sign-up Now!


20–27 August 2018 | Meru Valley Resort, Ipoh | Ages 14-18

We give our students a solid grounding in first class studying skills, teamwork, leadership and communication skills. More significantly, beyond this foundation, we engage our students in learning employability, productivity and life skills, developing a mindset for success and a developing a drive for maintaining good health.

End Notes

  1. Original advertorial in Ipoh Echo, p.12 in Edition 281 (16 May 2018) - download full issue here.

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